North Dakota - November 2020 Jan 8 Written By Samantha Trottier The magic about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better coming back. Hernan went goose hunting for the first time with Samantha’s father and brother. The only shooting he did was with his Sony. Throughout the 10 days, we created some content for Ryla Wellness. And Mighty Missouri Coffee.. No le gusta… Our most memorable moment.. Samantha’s grandparents trying traditional Argentine mate. Samantha Trottier
North Dakota - November 2020 Jan 8 Written By Samantha Trottier The magic about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better coming back. Hernan went goose hunting for the first time with Samantha’s father and brother. The only shooting he did was with his Sony. Throughout the 10 days, we created some content for Ryla Wellness. And Mighty Missouri Coffee.. No le gusta… Our most memorable moment.. Samantha’s grandparents trying traditional Argentine mate. Samantha Trottier